Tuesday, November 28, 2006

GREAT, candia!!Marvellous,girl. you did it AGAIN! twice in 2 weeks.. YOU LOST YOUR WALLET TWICE IN 2 WEEKS!! congratulations. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU???? siao, issit?? i think so. yesterday called the library person to terminate my ezlink card for the borrowing books use. and the library person said:"huh? i thought you just lost your wallet last week?" I THOUGHT YOU JUST LOST YOUR WALLET LAST WEEK??? even the library person R-E-M-E-M-B-E-R-E-D!! excellent. and you know where i FOUND it eventually??? at HOME. gawd, i even made a POLICE REPORT!!!! me=hopeless case..sigh.
SO, everyone's been posting about psle results, huh? ookayy, my marks arent really THAT satisfying but its OKAY..first choice cedar. but i think chances are slim coz lots of people with a higher score also put cedar as their first choice. but, whatever.
Rason's BBQ party was very siao. but fun. shant type much about it.
a few posts ago, i was rotting. but in this post, i shall officially announce that im 3/4 DECOMPOSED. a quarter left. coz other than computer-ing, tv-ing, xbox-ing, piano-ing, reading, eating, ive got nothing to do. fine, thats alot BUT its very easy to be bored out of doing them. bahh!! i should hang out, or chill out more often. ha, but i still have to seek permission. its been freezing cold these days. why did i say that, its out of the point.
the holidays are creeping by rather quickly. in about 2 weeks time, i'll be heading to osaka, japan. WOOTS! can't wait. but i'll have to-wait, i mean.
the reason why i havent been posting is coz of ny bloody computer. it sucks. its so damn slow, takes a year to load stuff. and i dont even have msn messenger. how much worse can it get? apparently, much, much more.
just watched casino royale the other day. afterwhich, all i heard was silei's rambling about-who else?-DANIEL CRAIG. okay, he isnt really THAT bad as how most people perceive him to be, but come on la, gimme a break. enough IS enough. daniel this daniel that. very nice hor, very handsome hor??? get real!!!!!!!!
happy holidays everyone.. christmas is approaching soon peeps!


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