Saturday, January 19, 2008


It's almost 1am now. Apparently, the finish-homework-by-today plan failed. As expected. I didn't bring any thing home to study for the weekend. I feel guilty. But when I bring home stuffs to study, I don't even touch them. Ha. Ha. I laugh.

Last year during the first term, I rocked. Because I remembered how much effort I really put in. I did all my homework way before the deadlines and I went home to revise everyday and attempted to read chapters in advance. I rocked I rocked I rockED.

Now, I barely bother. Revision, what's that.

Don't know what will happen. Ladeeda. This ignorance is getting scary. I'm scared. Candia scary.

Hey, I was tired. Now I'm awake as ever. We got our school diaries today. It's much nicer than last year's. Harp is such a nice instrument. It sounds like a cross between a piano and a guitar. I didn't know harps were so tall but then again, I've never seen one till today.

Mini Yushu Birthday celebration today!

Attempted to lead as an SL. I'm not SL material.

Do you know how when sometimes you have hopes and dreams on the verge
of getting fulfilled, and suddenly something gets in your way and you realise
perhaps you can't get them anymore? When I knew that maybe it could happen, you
have no idea how happy I was. Let me ask you something; is it correct to give up
your happiness to help others? To what extent is it considered as too much?
Knowing that you could actually help to make a difference--what would you
choose? To get your dreams fulfilled, or to help that someone? If you choose the
former, would you live your dream in guilt as that someone suffers? You wouldn't
enjoy yourself. But its the dream you've been waiting so long for. What would
you do? What would you do huh.


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