Monday, March 31, 2008

hic hic hic

I lost my phone and then I found it again. On my bed.

Okay. Why do I do such stupid things like misplacing my phone AT HOME? Desperate by Daphne Khoo is such a nice song. Suddenly, my whiteboard became an LFC board. Oh gosh, all my brother's nonsense on it. Its very stupid but I like it.

Let's see. There's a drawing of the Liverpool jersey. A bit weird. And then there's a list of the recent scores. I have no idea why ther is a 'not to scale' on top. It doesn't make sense.

And uh, 'we are the champions' is a bad saying because that's ManU's line?
Tomorrow I'm running for 4x400m. I laugh and laugh and laugh. I cannot believe I'm actually taking part. I laugh somemore.
The Grandmother's staying over for a couple of days because The Daddy is away on a business trip. So, I need to take bus to school tomorrow.
Bad case of hiccups. I shouldn't even be here. But I'm here for a reason.
No more excuses, Candia. Don't let yourself regret. Or hate yourself in the end, wishing you had done more things before. Now is before. Stop fooling yourself already.


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